
Monday 12 March 2012

Outsourcing Homeowner Manuals: It Makes Sense

When construction is finished and you turn possession over to the homeowner, does the manual you produce reflect the quality of the home you just built? Does it give the homeowner everything they need to know? In the past, a simple offering such as a binder would have sufficed. In today’s competitive marketplace, a world-class new home manual is a clear differentiator.

A home consists of hundreds of products & components supplied by numerous manufacturers and constructed by dozens of trades; a new home manual that means something should provide all of this information and product documentation to the homeowner. Does your organization have the time to compile all of this information and technical resources to produce a new home manual that satisfies today’s consumer’s expectations? If yes, does it make sense to do so, or could those resources be better utilized for things that you can’t readily outsource?

Outsourcing new home manuals may be new to this industry, but it's an old business strategy that is widely used in practically all industries. Successful organizations focus on what their core competencies are, and outsource other required activities to companies that can provide a level of quality that meets your expectations at a competitive price point.

So why not outsource homeowner manuals?

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