
Wednesday 30 November 2011

The Mobile Storm Is Coming

Home Builder Magazine released its annual "Industry Leaders Speak" edition (Vol.24 No.6) this week, and featured was Conasys CEO & President James Christensen.

Here is the article:

"We can all agree, the Internet changed how we do things and email changed how we communicate. Today, we have our corporate websites polished up and our smart phones feeding us emails wherever we go. Now, we need to get ready for mobile devices to change what we thought we had figured out.

At first, email replaced mail and that was great, but when email started to reach our cell phones, it created a communication revolution. Mail became instant; you could get it and read it anywhere. Companies figured this out and now marketing, sales offers and news can be sent out with immediate results. More recently, social media tools have made this communications even more focused.

A subtle but significant change is now upon us; Mobile Internet access. The handheld revolution we have seen to date has been about users receiving information anywhere. We are headed for users looking up information anywhere they want as tablets and smart phones take over the marketplace.

So be prepared to bring real time information to your customers and prospects. After all, they can now look up the competition's information or product details while they are in your showroom. Make sure your sales team has the right information or, better yet, has the same mobile tools in their hands. In 2012, it's time to get mobile ready."
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